"Rise to the level that honors your legend."
From the book of Origin, Originus Libro
Written by
Michealene Cristini Risley
& Michael Rann
What if everything you know was a lie?
Mistaken for Gods since creation, the Warriors of the Light are a group of immortal, powerful beings protecting all sentient life in the Metaverse.
Willow Burke discovers the truth when she is recruited by the Warriors, setting her on a dangerous path to confront the greatest evil ever known, Typhonius. An exiled Warrior who masquerades as a venture capitalist intent on dominating humanity using a digital virus. The pathogen is programmed to biologically crossover and brainwash humans.
Typhonius uses his prototype utopian town, Avalon, as a grand experiment in mind manipulation and global chaos forcing the Warriors to uncover the conspiracy and expose the truth.
This epic fantasy series combines the expansive universe of STAR WARS with the limitless fantasy of HARRY POTTER and other worlds from HIS DARK MATERIALS.
Warriors of the Light weaves a socially conscious fantasy-adventure drama mixed with contemporary and assumed historical truths, blurring the line between fact and fiction to create a remarkable distinct franchise.
This unique high-concept one-hour series is inspired by social visionaries fighting for the betterment of humankind. Our story follows these heroes battling corruption and social issues by transforming themselves into alter-ego superheroes known as Warriors of the Light (WOTL).